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Dr David Allsup examining leukemia samples


We are discovering innovative new approaches to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer. And we are reducing inequalities that lead to higher rates of cancer and poorer outcomes, so that patients benefit regardless of where they live or their circumstances.

Dr David Allsup, who has identified the genetic factors that influence the risk and severity of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

Why we are tackling cancer

Cancer is one of the world’s greatest health challenges. In the UK, 1 in 2 people will get cancer in their lifetime.** 

According to Cancer Research UK, there are around 375,000 cancer cases in the UK every year – that's around 1,000 every day.

And according to Yorkshire Cancer Research, approximately 30,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every year in Yorkshire. People are also more likely to be diagnosed and die from cancer in Yorkshire than almost anywhere else in England.

We want to change this.

* Yorkshire Cancer Research

**Ahmad AS et al. British Journal of Cancer, 2015

"We want to radically change the life chances of people in our region and beyond living with cancer. Our research will help make this aim a reality."

Professor Una Macleod

Professor of Primary Care Medicine

Laboratory bottles

What we want to achieve

We want to dramatically improve the life chances of people living with cancer.

We aim to:

  • Discover what causes cancer and what can prevent it, so more can be done to reduce people’s risk of cancer
  • Discover new ways to diagnose and treat cancer, so people who do develop cancer are diagnosed as early as possible and receive more effective and targeted treatments
  • Translate our discoveries into clinical practice quickly and equitably, so that new tests, treatments and interventions make the biggest difference for all patients
  • Understand how cancer affects people, so more can be done to improve their quality of life
  • Improve the outcomes of those diagnosed with cancer, regardless of where they live
Dr Bob Phillips on the Children's Oncology Ward at Leeds General Infirmary
Microscope lenses

Our expertise in cancer research

Our researchers are national leaders in cancer research, pioneering discoveries to better prevent, diagnose and treat cancer, and translating these findings into practice to benefit patients.

Our cancer experts work in collaboration to drive forward innovation – they are clinicians, academic researchers, healthcare professionals, biomedical researchers and scientists – all working to the same aim of making a difference in cancer.

This cross-discipline, bench to bedside approach drives forward innovative research and means we can develop interventions that improve patient care.

Our expertise includes:

  • The Biomedical Institute for Multimorbidities and Hull Molecular Imaging Centres which have expertise in nuclear imaging of cancer, improving access to the best standard of diagnostic care and personalised treatments that would be most effective for cancer patients

  • Discovery research in Experimental Medicine and Biomedicine – including basic molecular and cellular medicine, through to pre-clinical and clinical studies – discovering ground-breaking treatments, vaccines, and causes of cancer

  • The Cancer Awareness and Screening Pathways Research Group which focuses on applied health, including improving screening access and uptake, symptom recognition and seeking help, improving diagnosis and referrals, and redesign of care pathways

  • A partnership with Hull University Hospitals NHS Trust, the Clinical Sciences Centre, which brings together scientists, academic and clinical researchers and healthcare professionals in translational cancer research

  • The Wolfson Palliative Care Research Centre which works to directly improve the health and symptom experience of patients living with advanced cancer, and to improve support to their families

Thank you to our funders

Desk with stethoscope and clinic tenometer