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Research support

Information and contacts for researchers at Hull York Medical School.

Our researchers are supported by the Hull York Medical School Research Office, which is based at the University of Hull.

The Research Office provides our researchers (both staff and students) with general support and advice on most research-related issues, including:

  • Funding sources
  • Regulatory requirements
  • NHS and university research office contacts
  • Research proposal costs
  • Statistical expertise
  • Health economics expertise
  • Disseminating research and related publicity

Grant application sign-off procedures

For staff who are employed by the University of York:

For staff who are employed by the University of Hull:

  • The Hull Sharepoint site contains information on Hull York Medical School approvals process and getting your application signed and submitted.

For staff whose substantive contract is with an NHS organisation:

  • You should approach the research department of your employing organisation in the first instance. Email: [email protected]

Research governance sponsorship

You should direct requests for research governance sponsorship to one of our two parent universities - usually to the university that employs the researcher or the supervisor.

  • University of York sponsorship enquiries should be directed to the IP and Legal Team in the Research and Enterprise Directorate, specifically Michael Barber. Email [email protected] or telephone 01904 435154
  • University of Hull sponsorship enquiries should be directed to the Strategic Development Unit, at [email protected]

If your substantive contract is with an NHS organisation, you should approach the research department of your employing organisation in the first instance. However, if you require governance sponsorship for the purposes of a research degree, you should approach the university with which you are registered, which should ordinarily be the university that employs your supervisor.


The Hull York Medical School Ethics Committee provides ethical approval for research proposals including those involving Hull York Medical School students.

For staff who are employed by the University of Hull:

  • The Hull Sharepoint site contains information on Hull York Medical School approvals process and getting your application signed and submitted.

For students who are studying at the University of Hull:

  • The Hull Sharepoint site contains information on Hull York Medical School approvals process and getting your application signed and submitted.

Further information or assistance, please email [email protected]

NHS research passport

Researchers can apply for an NHS Research Passport, which provides a common set of pre-engagement checks, including:

  • academic
  • research
  • health
  • employment
  • qualification
  • personal

These checks conform to the standards required by all NHS organisations, and are therefore transferable across different Trusts. This can be useful if you intend to undertake research in the NHS, especially across multiple NHS organisations. Once you have a passport, it lasts for five years.

The responsibility for obtaining a passport rests with you, as an individual researcher. The University of York website provides guidance of the procedure for completing your form.

The HR department at your university of employment must countersign a section of the passport application to certify that the employment aspects of the pre-engagement checks have been carried out. Please contact your HR department to countersign your application: