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Health Professions Education student doing a presentation

Postgraduate study

Here in the Health Professions Education Unit, we provide a supportive and collaborative research environment, where we strive to create and disseminate innovative approaches to learning and teaching.

Postgraduate taught programmes

PG Cert, PG Dip, and PG MSc in Health Professions Education

Our PGCert, PGDip and MSc in Health Professions Education programme is designed to give you the skills needed to be an excellent educator. Our programme is accredited by the Academy of Medical Educators - the multi professional body which sets the standards for clinical teachers in the UK.

We offer three routes – a Postgraduate Certificate, Diploma and MSc – all of which are flexible and designed to be studied entirely online, or a mix of online and on-site teaching. Former students have come to the programme from a wide range of healthcare professions, both clinical and non-clinical.

Alongside completing the programme, you can complete a reflective portfolio to gain Fellowship of Advance HE, leading to the post nominal letters FHEA. A status recognised by professional bodies as reaching international standards to deliver high quality education.

Upon successful completion of the Certificate, students can also apply for membership of the Academy (MAcadMEd), signifying that they have met the Academy’s Professional Standards for educators in medicine, dentistry and veterinary science. Obtaining MAcadMed is highly recommended for those looking to work in senior education roles within the clinical workplace.


MSc in Pharmacology and Education

Our experts also deliver the education teaching on the MSc in Pharmacology and Education programme.

This progamme is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the clinical, basic science and industrial aspects of pharmacology, alongside developing the skills to deliver exceptional teaching, assessment, course design and educational research – so you can inspire and lead in pharmacology education.

MSc in Clinical Anatomy and Education

This MSc in Anatomy and Education is a unique opportunity to develop a deep understanding of the clinical anatomy of the human body, alongside developing the skills to deliver exceptional teaching, assessment, course design and educational research.


PhD and MD opportunities

We welcome PhD and MD student proposals addressing key healthcare workforce and clinical education issues.

Topics may include (but not exhaustive): selection and recruitment, professionalism, workplace-based learning, diversity and inclusion, widening participation, career transitions and trajectories, longitudinal integrated clerkships, assessment tools and conscientiousness index, international migration and clinical academic careers.

We offer supervision and training in advanced qualitative and quantitative methods, including realist approaches to evaluation and systematic literature reviews. Supervision can be face to face or online distance. Please see our staff profiles for expertise and contact details.

We have a vibrant research community within the Health Professions Education Unit including a number of students working towards their PhDs and MDs.

Funded PhDs, when available, are listed on the Hull York Medical School's funded opportunities page. We also work with suitable students to support applications for national or regional PhD funding. Students interested in self-funding can also get in touch.

If you are interested in undertaking postgraduate research with us, please email [email protected] to enquire further. You can also find out more about PhD in Medical or Human Sciences or the MD in Medical Sciences.


Current postgraduate research students

Hannah Wakefield

Name: Hannah Wakefield

Title: The experiences of South Asian medical students with dyslexia in the United Kingdom.

Award: PhD

Funder: Self-funded

Supervisors: Dr Paul Crampton, Dr Millie Kehoe, Dr Amaya Ellawala


A medical degree is arguably one of the most prestigious university degrees. It represents the start of a stimulating journey of learning and training, which continues for the duration of a whole medical career. The route, however is long and arduous requiring the overcoming of many hurdles. This process is challenging for all students but more so for some subsets of students who may be more disadvantaged. Recent attention by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) has tried to address potential barriers to learning, such as through widening participation programmes to facilitate admissions. However, relatively less has addressed the learning characteristics of the students themselves, such as those with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs) e.g. dyslexia. This is a qualitative study using an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis approach.

Dr Richard Bodington

Title: Medicines review and deprescribing teaching in undergraduate medical education; a realist synthesis informed by literature review, expert interviews and medical student debriefing.

Award: MD

Funder: Hull-York Medical School

Supervisors: Dr Paul Crampton, Professor Matt Morgan, Professor David Hepburn

Summary of study: Richard's MD aims to produce a series of evidence-based practical recommendations for the development of a medicines review/optimisation/deprescribing theme in undergraduate medical education. This will be achieved by a realist synthesis informed by literature review, expert interviews and medical student workshops.

Medicines review, optimisation and deprescribing skills are key in the high-quality care of all patients, but especially those living with comorbidity and polypharmacy. The development of such skills has become an educational imperative and research is needed into how to design these educational interventions.

Dr Kishan Rees

Title: What is the impact of, and interplay between, social & mainstream media on global public health communication during a pandemic?

Funder: Hull York Medical School

This project seeks to explore what impact the interplay between social and mainstream media has on the mass communication of public health messaging during a pandemic. What elements help a public health response and what elements hinder it. What are the salient points of what went well? What aspects need further consideration and refinement? It is hoped that this thesis will contribute to the literature, so that when it comes to communicating the public health issues pertaining to the next pandemic, healthcare professionals will be in a better place to utilise the tools available for mass communication and members of the public will be in a better position to comprehend, assimilate and apply such information so they can make decisions that are in their best interests.

Dr Taha Khan

Title: Modelling the relationship between UCAT scores and postgraduate performance and specialty choice: a doctoral programme of psychometric epidemiology

Funder: The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) Board

One of the original aims of introducing the UCAT was to help selectors choose individuals most likely to succeed in a clinical career. Performance in “high-fidelity” postgraduate clinical exams are an accessible proxy for actual practice. The predictive validity of the situational judgement test (SJT) component of the UCAT can now be evaluated in this respect. Given the workforce shortages being experienced by key specialties it is also important to consider a novel “pareto-optimal” approach. This models optimal trade-offs between postgraduate pass and recruitment rates, as well as overall fill rates for specialty training. In this project, using data from the UK Medical Education Database (UKMED) a series of models will be developed and tested to understand how the UCAT can be best used to select tomorrow’s doctors. The findings will be crucial to understanding the role of the UCAT in relation to “reverse engineering” medical selection. This maps selection processes to workforce requirements for effective healthcare delivery.

Contact us

We welcome enquiries about policy and guidance, collaborations, our research, tutor training, or opportunities to visit or study with us in the Health Professions Education Unit.