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Cardiovascular and haemostasis

Heart attack and stroke are the world’s biggest killers. They are also major health challenges locally, as the Yorkshire and Humber region has one the highest death rates from cardiovascular disease in the UK.

The health challenge

Cardiovascular complications are commonly observed in patients with diabetes, cancers and kidney disease. However, it is still not fully understood whether cardiovascular disease causes the development of these other illnesses or is a consequence of them. It is therefore important to establish how alterations in haemostasis link to multimorbidity conditions.

In collaboration with the Clinical Sciences Centre, we use cutting-edge molecular and cellular biology to develop a greater understanding of the mechanisms involved in cardiovascular complications and to identify new and innovative therapeutic strategies aimed at improving outcomes for patients with cardiovascular disease and its associated comorbidities.

Theme lead

Professor Tim Palmer

Professor of Cardiovascular Biology

Research leads

Dr Ahmed Aburima

Lecturer in Cardiovascular Science

Professor David Allsup

Professor of Haematology

Dr Simon Calaminus

Senior Lecturer in Pharmacology

Dr Dan Hampshire

Lecturer in Genetics

Dr Leonid Nikitenko

Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences

Dr Giordano Pula

Reader in Cardiovascular Biomedicine

Dr Katie Wraith

Lecturer in Cardiovascular Biology

Laboratory and biobank facilities

Laboratory facilities

We have a dedicated thrombosis and haemostasis laboratory housing state of the art facilities. These include in vitro and in vivo models of thrombosis, confocal and fluorescent microscopy, flow cytometry and platelet aggregometry.

Biobank facilities

We also have a biobank of primary vascular cells and tissue from over 50 patients undergoing bypass surgery at the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Castle Hill Hospital.

Biomedical facilities

We also have access to dedicated biomedical facilities at the Allam Diabetes Centre at Hull Royal Infirmary to rapidly measure haemostatic and thrombosis parameters in patients.



We collaborate successfully with experts across the University of Hull, including the Clinical Sciences Centre and the University of Hull's Centre of Excellence for Data Science, AI and Modelling (DAIM), research-intensive units within the Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (Diabetes and Endocrinology; Haematology; Cardiothoracic Surgery) and have established research links with universities across the UK and beyond.

We have also worked with many industrial partners and welcome enquiries for future opportunities, please contact us at: [email protected]

Clinical Sciences Centre Affiliated staff

Dan Carradice, Senior Lecturer in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery

Ian Chetter, Academic Lead for Vascular Research

George Smith, Senior Lecturer

Joe Cuthbert, Senior Lecturer in Cardiology

Honorary Affiliated Clinical staff

Sunil Bhandari, Consultant Nephrologist & Honorary Professor

Andrew Clark, Consultant Cardiologist and Honorary Professor

Angela Hoye, Consultant Cardiologist and Honorary Professor

Mahmoud Loubani, Honorary Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Dumbor Ngage, Honorary Professor

Raghu Lakshminarayanan, Consultant Interventional Radiologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer



Biomedical Institute for Multimorbidity

[email protected]