Dr Lauren Clunie


Senior Lecturer in Clinical Anatomy

Role at Hull York Medical School

Lauren delivers teaching on the MBBS, MSc Clinical Anatomy (and Education), Gateway to Medicine, Physician Associate, and Health Professions Education programmes. She has an interest in developing novel anatomy teaching techniques and how these can be incorporated to supplement traditional anatomy curricula.

Lauren is also Chair of the Hull York Medical School Postgraduate Taught Programmes Board. In this role she has oversight of the entirety of postgraduate taught studies, including establishing and reviewing appropriate regulations and procedures for the operations, development, quality assurance and enhancement of programmes covering all aspects of learning, teaching, and student experience. The Postgraduate Taught Programmes Board reports to the Hull York Medical School Board of Studies and Joint Senate Committee.

Lauren is also the Designated Individual for the Human Tissue Authority.


Lauren has been teaching anatomy since 2013 and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Before joining Hull York Medical School, Lauren was teaching and studying at the University of Leeds. Her PhD investigated the factors influencing students use of technology-enhanced learning (TEL) resources and examined the current levels of TEL evaluation within the field of anatomical education.

Prior to this, Lauren had a role at the University of Glasgow that involved teaching anatomy to medical students, speech and language therapists and to students on the MSc in Medical Visualisation and Human Anatomy programme - a programme Lauren completed herself in 2012-13.


Lauren's main professional interests lie in anatomical education - covering (1) the evaluation of teaching and learning in anatomy education; (2) the impact of technology-enhanced learning (TEL) resources on all relevant stakeholders, and; (3) the integration of anatomy into the wider medical curriculum, particularly through the use of radiology.

Lauren utilises both quantitative and qualitative methodologies in her research and is an active peer-reviewer for anatomical and educational journals.


Module Lead

Clinical Anatomy of the Trunk (MSc in Clinical Anatomy and Education)
Human Biology II (Gateway to Medicine Programme)
Professional Practice in Anatomy Education (MSc in Clinical Anatomy and Education)


Clinical Anatomy of the Limbs and Spine (MSc in Clinical Anatomy and Education)
Clinical Anatomy of the Head and Neck (MSc in Clinical Anatomy and Education)
Embryology and Clinical Neuroanatomy (MSc in Clinical Anatomy and Education)
Phase 1, MBBS Anatomy Resource Sessions
Phase 1, MBBS Lectures
Physician Associate


View Lauren's publications on ORCID.

External roles

External Examiner for the University of Sheffield