Dr Rivero is a molecular cell biologist who specialises in research into functional and regulatory aspects of the cytoskeleton and its relevance in disease processes.
MD from the University of Valladolid (1989). PhD at the Institute of Biochemistry, CSIC-Universidad Complutense, Madrid (1994). Postdoctoral research fellow in Germany at the Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried (1994-1997) and at the University of Cologne (1997-1998). Scientific assistant and Group leader at the Center for Biochemistry, Medical Faculty, University of Cologne (1998-2007). In 2007 he joined Hull York Medical School as a Senior Lecturer and was promoted to Reader in 2017.
Dr Rivero's lab specialises in research into the cytoskeleton, a key player in almost all cellular processes, including motility, cytokinesis, cell-to-cell and cell-susbstrate interactions and intracellular transport. Dr. Rivero is currently pursuing lines of research that explore aspects of the actin cytoskeleton and the signalling pathways that regulate its remodelling in blood platelets. Platelet activation is the result of multiple exquisitely integrated signalling cascades that drive the morphological changes required for adhesion, spreading, aggregation and secretion at the sites of vascular damage. Those signalling pathways ultimately drive remodelling of the platelet cytoskeleton. Platelet physiology is of particular medical relevance because of the role of thrombosis in common cardiovascular conditions such as heart attack and stroke.
The ultimate goals of Dr Rivero's research are a better understanding of platelet function (basic science aspect) and the development of improved diagnostic/therapeutical strategies for the management of states of platelet hyperactivation and other conditions involving platelet/endothelial cell function (translational aspect).
Dr. Rivero contributes to teaching in following programmes:
View Dr. Rivero's publications on ResearchGate.
Selected publications
D.R.J. Riley, J. Khalil. J. Pieters, K. M. Naseem, F. Rivero. Coronin 1 is required for integrin beta2 translocation in platelets. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21:356 (2020).
D.R.J. Riley, J. Khalil. K. M. Naseem, F. Rivero. Biochemical and immunocytochemical characterization of coronins in platelets. Platelets, in press.
M. Berger, D.R.J. Riley, J. Lutz, J. Khalil, A. Aburima, K. Naseem, F. Rivero. Alterations in platelet alpha-granule secretion and adhesion on collagen under flow in mice lacking the atypical Rho GTPase RhoBTB3. Cells. 8:149 (2019).
P. Joshi, D. R. J. Riley, J. S. Khalil, H. Xiong, W. Ji, F. Rivero. The membrane-associated fraction of cyclase translocates to the cytosol upon platelet stimulation. Scientific Reports, 8:10804 (2018).
F. Krey, R.A. Dumont, E.S Krystofiak, S. Vijayakumar, D. Choi, F. Rivero, B. Kachar, S.M. Jones, P.G. Barr-Gillespie. Plastin-1 widens stereocilia by transforming actin filament packing from hexagonal to liquid. Journal of Cell Biology, 215:467-482 (2016).
R. Taylor, A Bullen, S.L. Johnson, E-M. Grimm-Günter, F. Rivero, W. Marcotti, A. Forge, N. Daudet. Absence of plastin 1 causes abnormal maintenance of hair cell stereocilia and a progressive form of hearing loss in mice. Human Molecular Genetics, 24:37-49 (2015).
J. Lutz, E-M. S. Grimm-Gunter, P. Jooshi, F. Rivero. Expression analysis of mouse Rhobtb3 using a LacZ reporter and preliminary characterization of a knockout strain. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 142:511-528 (2014).
K. Swaminathan, A. Muller-Taubenberger, J. Faix, F. Rivero, A.A. Noegel. A CRIB domain mediates functions of coronin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 111:E25-33 (2014).
Dr. Rivero welcomes enquiries from prospective students.
Current students
Paulo Saldanha - PhD student ([email protected])
Paulo joined the lab in September 2018. His PhD research investigates the regulation of the myosin light chain phosphatase in platelet and endothelial cell function.
Past students
David Riley (PhD expected 2020)
Anisha Chacko (PhD expected 2020)
Jawad S. Khalil (PhD awarded 2018)
Pooja Joshi (PhD awarded 2017)
Julia Lutz (PhD awarded 2013)
Member of the editorial board of:
- Scientific Reports
- Cells
- BMC Molecular and Cell Biology